Become a Subscriber: Support Journalism about Feminist Philanthropy

Dear Readers, I have good news: Philanthropy Women continues to flourish and gain momentum. Our readership continues to grow and our traffic is about 40% higher on average than it was a year ago. Our visibility is also growing, and our premium access subscriber base is beginning to generate income that allows us to expand what we are doing.

Please support journalism about feminist philanthropy by becoming a subscriber to Philanthropy Women.

Now we are reaching out to you, dear readers, and asking for you to become premium access subscribers. Our ability to become sustainable in the long-term will depend on building a diverse subscriber base. By becoming a subscriber, you will help fund our work and the feminist community. You will have access to all of our content, including exclusive interviews with top funders and thought leaders in the gender equality philanthropy field. Your support will also be helping us sustain our mission of showcasing the exciting and evolving landscape of feminist philanthropy.

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