Maggie May’s Greatest Hits on Philanthropy Women

As one of our most prolific writers at Philanthropy Women, Maggie May deserves a special tribute. Two and a half years ago, Maggie May started weaving her mighty creativity into stories on gender equality funding and strategy, and now that she is leaving us for greener (and higher paying) pastures, we want to make sure we give her a proper send-off that represents all she has done for our publication, and for gender equality strategy and funding as a whole.

Over the course of two and half years, Maggie May wrote 190 posts for Philanthropy Women. (Image credit: Maggie May)

Maggie May wrote 190 articles for Philanthropy Women over her time with us, an incredible amount of productivity for a young writer. She helped discover and narrate the stories of many undervalued women leaders of our time, and did so with power, insight, and clarity. Her work ranged from personal interviews to covering events to exploring the difficult questions about who gets funding and why.

So without further ado, here is a breakdown of some of Maggie May’s greatest hits.

Funding for Women in Film: Spring Grants List: Where Can Female Filmmakers Find Money?

In six months time, this post has been one of our top performers. The truth is that there is very little good information out there in the funding world for women, information that is desperately needed in a time when more women are looking for ways to realize their creative capacities, and more people than ever are awakened to the valuable differential of women’s vision.

Misogyny in Video Games: What Can Feminist Philanthropy Do to Address Sexism in Video Games:

The video games industry is rife with sexism and misogyny, most of which has barely been touched by activism. Maggie May did several several posts on the topic of gamer culture and the ways that gender equality activists can help address the problem.

Water and Women: The International Battle for Women’s Water Rights

Another great hit was Maggie May’s post on how women leaders are intervening both in the US and abroad to ensure women have access to water. Tying together environmental causes and gender equality causes was one of the main themes here at Philanthropy Women, and Maggie May’s writing helped elucidate these issues on many different levels.

LGBTQ Focus: Dear America, Why is Canada Leading the Charge for LGBTQ+ Funding?

Wondering about the big questions, like why America can’t compare to Canada when it comes to funding for LGBTQ+ issues, was another one of Maggie’s specialties.

Talking About her Generation: Where are Young Women in Philanthropy?

Maggie also gave voice to issues around Millennial women and how and why they give to charity. This topic is another largely unexplored area of journalism that Maggie May fearlessly delved into.

Covering Movement Activity for Women: #SayHerName: What Feminist Givers Can Do For Breonna Taylor

Some of the most important activism in feminism — the efforts to raise awareness around violence against women and girls of color — was in Maggie’s crosshairs and got coverage from her mighty creative virtual pen.

Maggie May’s Amazing Live-Blogging Posts

Maggie May attended all of our webinars here at Philanthropy Women and did a wonderful job of capturing the voices and themes of these events.

The webinar events we produced included:

Due Diligence and Risk-Taking in Gender Lens Investing

Faith and Philanthropy with Feminist Leaders: Liveblog

Feminist Giving IRL: Hear From the Top Tier Winners

Liveblog: Women in Media Changing the Game

Liveblog – What Donors Can Do About Lack of Funding for Women and Girls of Color

Liveblog: Funding to End Violence Against Women of Color

Gates Leaders on COVID: Liveblogging New IUPUI Series

Liveblogging the Feminist Giving Universe

Maggie also covered lots and lots of other big feminist events online:

Liveblog: Generation Equality and a Blueprint for a Gender Equal World

How Justice and Giving Intersect with Philanthropy Together

(Liveblog) Building Multicultural Leadership with Ready to Lead

Feminist Giving for COVID: Strategies and Models (Liveblog)

(Liveblog) Leveraging the Unique Power of Women’s Collective Giving

(Liveblog) Realigning Powerful Systems by Valuing Health and Equity

(Liveblog) What Does Feminism Look Like in Biden-Harris Future?

New York Women’s Foundation on Social Justice and Philanthropy

(Liveblog) Strategies for Giving in COVID Economy with A Call To Men

(Liveblog) Empowering Gender Equality with ERA Coalition

(Liveblog) MIT Solve Welcomes 14 Grantees for Women and Girls

WMM Summit: Vicki Saunders on Women’s Radical Generosity

(Liveblog) Ready to Lead Webinar: Black and Latinx Girls Speak Out

Liveblog of WPI: How Giving Circles Diversify Philanthropy

There is more, so if you want to see the full archive of Maggie May’s work, it is available here. I wish we could have kept Maggie May writing for us because I believe her work is more impactful than most people realize. But I have no doubt Maggie will go on impacting the world with her writing talent and her deep appreciation for social justice and women’s rights. Thank you, Maggie, for all the fine work you have done.

Author: Kiersten Marek

Kiersten Marek, LICSW, is the founder of Philanthropy Women. She practices clinical social work and writes about how women donors and their allies are advancing social change.

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