What Feminist Leadership Looks Like for Me In Real Life

In this video, I discuss what feminist leadership looks like for me as a publisher and writer. The discussion includes different domains of experience and how I apply feminist leadership in those domains.

feminist leadership
Kiersten Marek, LICSW, Founder and Publisher of Philanthropy Women

I made this video to participate in the Feminist Leadership Project’s series. If you’d like to participate in this project, you can go here for more details.

In this video, I discuss the different levels of feminist leadership in my life, including on the levels of systems engagement, mindset, identity, and greater purpose. Feminist leadership for me means maintaining alignment across all levels of my life with values of inclusion, cooperation, and in my professional focus on increasing media about gender lens giving strategies.

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Shaping the Shapers: How WMM Trains Women in Social Change

women moving millions
Sarah Haacke Byrd is the Executive Director for Women Moving Millions, where she is responsible for building strategy and scale around WMM’s mission for greater impact on gender equality. (Photo credit: Women Moving Millions)

Feminist philanthropy is designed to change the world.

Sometimes it works slowly, dollar by dollar, woman by woman and girl by girl, as we each come to realize that there are issues in this world we strongly disagree with — issues that we can take a stand against. In other cases, feminist philanthropy finds huge momentum in large-dollar donations, and campaigns leap forward with the assistance of celebrity women and female pioneers who hold significant amounts of the world’s wealth.

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